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Enabling Creativity

रचनात्मकता का विकास

A movement to create a culture of thinking in schools


What is Thinkizm

Thinkizm is a movement to create a Culture of Thinking amongst school children across the world. We believe given a conducive and thriving climate, every child irrespective of their socio- economic background can thrive as an original and creative thinker. 


In an increasingly chaotic and uncertain world, we need to enable children to be creative thinkers. It will enable children to develop their own understanding, engage with their immediate environment, develop empathy and foster curiosity. It is a window of opportunity for the system to create new notions of education beyond textbooks. It is also an opportunity to assimilate, synthesise and apply things learned via textbooks in a real environment. 


Our Goals

Thinkizm wishes to act as a sustained catalyst for developing 21st Century skills in every student via developing  global village of thinking for all school students across the world. 


Our vision is to 


  • To facilitate a thinking and innovation climate in schools. A shift of focus from knowledge transfer to creation and discovery in school environment

  • To act as a catalyst to make children  better thinkers, problem solvers and ideators and decision makers.  

Some behavioral change interventions


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